CJ Locksmiths were contacted by a lady in St Arvans, a small village just a few miles from Chepstow this week with an inquiry as to weather a upvc door could be repaired.
The lady in question gave me a brief description of the problem and finished by asking if we charge to look at the job as she had been told it was beyond repair, the answer being no, we do not have a charge for giving estimates for work.
It transpired that in fact she had been told by another company who arranged for a salesman to call that she had been told the door was beyond repair and would require replacing at a cost of over a thousand pounds.
This is something that as a local locksmiths and door repair business based in Chepstow we come across fairly often, people call out of area companys who advertise under upvc doors and windows fitted double glazing etc giving the impression that they are based locally but in fact are in fact located no where near this area.
These are not in fact locksmiths and door repair businesses but are double glazing companys looking to sell new doors and windows to unsuspecting customers who are unaware that these doors can in fact be repaired at a fraction of the cost of fitting new.
CJ Locksmiths offer a complete on site repair service for all types of upvc door and lock repairs. Shown here is the Multipoint mechanism in question being repaired on site. The cost of this was £165.00 completed saving the customer well over a thousand pounds to replace the door when it was not necessary not to mention the inconvenience of having a front door taken out and replaced.
This repair took just under an hour and the customers door was fully restored to its previous working condition.
Many of these older systems are now obsolete or being discontinued, however we carry a full range of parts and are able to either repair or retrofit new parts, saving on the costs of replacing older doors completely.
Most older style doors are actually far superior in build quality to many of the modern replacements its only the locking systems that are dated and wear out, the doors themselves with servicing will last many years.
The more modern doors and systems we are able to simply replace the broken parts.
So next time you are told that a door cannot be repaired telephone 01291 625540 to speak to me personally.
Paul Easton at CJ Locksmiths in Chepstow for a no obligation quote for a repair.
You can also navigate to our upvc door repairs page through our main index of pages on the home page of this web site where it will give you more information on the types of repairs we can carry out or use the contact us form available on this web site to submit photographs or queries to us.