Paul Easton Locksmiths and Garage door repairs.
Fox House Elmdale Chepstow 
NP16 7LA
Telephone  01291 625540
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Paul Easton.

Completed a comprehensive 5-year City and Guilds apprenticeship in carpentry and joiner.

Bringing 50 years of industry experience.

Welcome to the desktop view of our website. Located in the town of Chepstow, Paul Easton Locksmiths provides a comprehensive lock and door maintenance service, emergency locksmith services, and garage door repairs.

Blog Post

Burglaries its that time of year

  • By paul easton
  • 04 Jul, 2019

Hot weather offers opportunites to the burglars

Burglar entering through a window CJ Locksmiths Chepstow
Burglar entering through a window CJ Locksmiths Chepstow
Summer brings opportunities to the burglar. During the course of our work at CJ Locksmiths as an emergency call locksmiths service and door and window repair specialists we get called to a lot of burglaries.
It would surprise most people and when fitting locks we tell customers, that In a lot of cases the thieves do not even have to use force. Thieves get in through an open door or window.Over three quarters of burglars committing a crime gain entry through a door or window and in a lot of cases the doors and windows are left open, they simply walk in or climb through.

Contrary to popular belief a lot of burglaries take place between 9.00am and 3.00pm  that's because most people are at work or out shopping or picking the children up from school. It can take less than 10 minutes to enter a house and leave with credit cards, keys and valuables. Once in the burglar will head for the master bedroom because most people don't hide their valuables, their in drawers or nightstands or jewellery boxes and burglars know this.
Most burglars are no longer after your household possessions, those days are gone, they are after high end car keys, passports and bank cards, passports and identity theft. Jewellery and gold items rate very highly to thieves because these are easy to sell for cash easy to steal and transport in pockets away from the crime.

You can make it a lot harder by installing a small safe to keep valuables in, bank cards passports etc , this although it can be opened with a lot of effort, takes time and creates noise, something the average burglar doesn't want to spend time doing and wont have the necessary tools to do it with them. Most burglars don't carry any comprehensive tools or equipment in case of being stopped and searched, if they do carry a tool it will usually only be a screwdriver or jemmy. Certainly not something they can break into a safe with.Hot weather means even more open windows and doors for the thieves. Be secure lock them.

CJ Locksmiths offer a home safe fitting service where we will secure the safe to a wall or floor for you. For details contact us via our web site messages service or telephone directly on m) 07913 158497 or for more information on safes go to our page on this site via the index and look for safe opening and safes.
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