Paul Easton Locksmiths and Garage door repairs.
Fox House Elmdale Chepstow 
NP16 7LA
Telephone  01291 625540
Mobile         07913 158497

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Paul Easton.

Completed a comprehensive 5-year City and Guilds apprenticeship in carpentry and joiner.

Bringing 50 years of industry experience.

Welcome to the desktop view of our website. Located in the town of Chepstow, Paul Easton Locksmiths provides a comprehensive lock and door maintenance service, emergency locksmith services, and garage door repairs.

Blog Post

More than just locksmiths

  • By paul easton
  • 04 Sep, 2019

We are local locksmiths

Chepstow Castle paul easton locksmiths google business advert photograph
Chepstow Castle
Check out our two latest images that we commissioned taken by the Jade Emily photography studio of Chepstow.
The upper one of Chepstow Castle for our Google business page with the logo 
More than just locksmiths
We are local Locksmiths

The one below showing a similar theme of us fitting a chubb lock.
Also using the wording. 

More than just locksmiths.
Fitting a Chubb Lock Paul Easton locksmiths Chepstow
Fitting a chubb Lock
This year we have decided that we will focus our advertising on both google and local pages to emphasize that we are a truly local company based in Chepstow with a wide range of services.
Its fair to say that a lot of the larger companies only have a very limited range of services available and tend to concentrate purely on lock changes simply because they are easy to do, fast and extremely profitable for them.

We hope that you like the two new images that we are using.
The bottom image/photo depicts a set of carpenters tools and the fitting of a Chubb door lock, showing that we are not just a company that can only change a lock we also are highly specialized lock fitters. 

For more information on our fitting service for wood and timber doors go to this page

Their you will see our range of fitting services and the type of locks we can supply and fit both standard and insurance rated locks are available.
Fitting services for a wood door with a insurance rated lock BS3621 are £125.00 with the lock included which according to the latest survey that we looked at and price comparison is extremely competitive.
Below is a link to the full article/survey

We will be looking more closely at this survey on locksmith prices in 2019 in a later article.
But needless to say choosing a local locksmith is far cheaper than a regional one.
Tap and Die repair to a upvc door lock paul easton locksmiths chepstow
Tap and Die repair to a upvc door lock
We also are able to carry out a full repair service with our fully equipped service vehicle as in the photograph above where we did an on site repair to a upvc door lock for a customer in Chepstow by tapping new threads into the main case.
This saved the customer from the added cost of purchasing a brand new case for the upvc door mechanism.
cardale garage door spring adjustment paul easton garage door services chepstow
Paul Easton Garage door services
We also offer a full garage door repair and maintenance service, servicing all major brands of garage doors including Garador, Henderson, Cardale, and others.
Opening a safe with a southord tubular pick paul easton locksmiths chepstow
Opening a safe with a southord tubular pick
We also offer a comprehensive home safe opening service as in the photograph above, this is a non-destructive opening leaving your safe and contents intact.
Priced at £45.00 for opening safes local to Chepstow and Caldicot, Tintern areas.
river wye chepstow paul easton locksmiths
River Wye Chepstow
Another beautiful day working along the River Wye for Paul Easton locksmiths, to see more on our full range of services go to our website @
or contact us on 01291 625540 m) 07913 158497
All images, photographs, taglines, slogans and associated titles used in images on this site are strictly copyright and                                         all or any permission to use or copy is not allowed, specifically the slogan.
                                                                    "Not just locksmiths - We are local locksmiths"  
                                             Is the sole intellectual property of Paul Easton Locksmiths Chepstow
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