Paul Easton Locksmiths and Garage door repairs.
Fox House Elmdale Chepstow 
NP16 7LA
Telephone  01291 625540
Mobile         07913 158497

Paul Easton locksmith
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Paul Easton.

Completed a comprehensive 5-year City and Guilds apprenticeship in carpentry and joiner.

Bringing 50 years of industry experience.

Welcome to the desktop view of our website. Located in the town of Chepstow, Paul Easton Locksmiths provides a comprehensive lock and door maintenance service, emergency locksmith services, and garage door repairs.

Blog Post

Locksmiths and Local tradesman

  • By paul easton
  • 27 Jun, 2019

We are a genuine local based business

CJ Locksmiths Chepstow picture of locks
Purchase all types of locks from us at our premises in the town of Chepstow
Constantly we are asked when people ring us where are we located. This is due to the practice of out of town companies and businesses pretending to be locally based. You only have to look at the 1st couple of pages on google search to see how many locksmiths are calling themselves chepstow locksmiths. 
In practice they are not local in fact they are no where near local, most are based in Cardiff or Bristol and some are even further away than this because they are National companies who are simply call centres for organisations set up to rip customers off with exorbitant charges.
Theirs no return service or refunds in the event of a fault and you very often pay two to three times the price of a local company.
We would like to take this opportunity to say that we are a genuine  locksmith business based in Chepstow. You can visit my workshop to purchase  all types of locks and spare parts for upvc door and garage doors. 
From our shop in Bank Street Chepstow NP16 5EN  we sell all the major brand locks such Yale, Chubb , Union and  Era locks.
We also stock a huge amount of spare parts and upvc door mechanisms as well as carry out repairs to locks and handles.
We carry one of the most comprehensive stocks of door locks and upvc door parts in South Wales.
We also stock and are able to supply Euro cylinders of all sizes and all garage door parts.

To purchase locks and upvc door parts please telephone our local number CJ Locksmiths Chepstow 01291 625540 or ring me personally, Paul Easton on my mobile number 07913 158497
The shop is open Monday to Saturday 9.00am to 5.00pm.
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