Paul Easton Locksmiths and Garage door repairs.
Fox House Elmdale Chepstow 
NP16 7LA
Telephone  01291 625540
Mobile         07913 158497

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Paul Easton.

50 years experience in the trade. 

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Choosing a locksmith guidelines

Paul Easton Locksmiths and garage door services.
Chepstow Castle  
Photograph courtesy of Jade Emily photography

Paul Easton Locksmiths and Garage door services

We guarantee we are one hundred per cent a locally based business in the town of Chepstow

How to choose your locksmith.
Some simple rules that could save you a lot of money

Looking for a locksmith near me Chepstow Paul Easton Locksmiths
When you ring for a Locksmith depending on the advert you choose its possible you will get Local or call centre or an out of area number.
If you suspect that you are talking to a call centre rather than a locksmith or a locksmith business, my advice is to hang up and have another try at locating a local independent locksmith.
If the number starts with the correct dialing code but has not got a 62 for the main number you are dealing with a call centre or out of area Locksmith service, typically these numbers will be 01291 followed by 330
If you ring a national call centre you have no control over who they send you are going to pay more often quite a lot more. By following a few simple checks you will be able to have the job done by a local locksmith fully qualified and at a reasonable cost.
We guarantee all our work and parts fully for 12 months.
Almost all the so called Locksmiths employed by call centres are used because they are not qualified and experienced enough to work as independent locksmiths remember you are paying by the hour for the first hours work then every 15 minutes after without experience and knowledge these so called locksmiths will routinely be extremely slow at working.
When you phone us you talk to a local locksmith not a telephone operator.
Ask if you will be charged if a return trip is required. 
Material charges are often vastly inflated on the final invoice you pay often by as much as three to four times the retail cost.
Almost none of the national companies will have fully stocked vans meaning that often you pay for two visits.
Paul Easton Locksmiths guarantee that on the rare occasion we do not have the replacement parts you do not pay for a second visit.
Almost all out of town numbers you will be paying twice once to the franchise holder and once to the franchise call centres are the same you pay for the call centre and the locksmith who attends all this is disguised in your final bill as one payment.
All call centres will add vat at 20% to the final bill on top of your quote check this with out of town numbers as well almost all will add this to your final bill.
Paul Easton Locksmiths are not vat registered therefore what we quote is what you pay.
All our quotes are fixed and even should we have to return again to complete work you do not pay for a return journey.

Below is a part of a recent article we published on using a local business.
You can read the full article here and other articles on the benefits of using and choosing a local company like Paul Easton Locksmiths.

Go to our articles page

Here's an insight into using locksmiths not from the local area. 
I recently attended a job to change a women's lock, while i was their she was telling me she had a locksmith company in several weeks before me.
In the course of the conversation she then preceded to tell me that he had to change the clutch on the door lock.
Well let me tell you now, their is no such thing as a clutch on a door lock, a clutch is in a car, no where else.
Basically what he is doing is adding items to the invoice that can't be checked that the customer has no idea of what they are or what he is telling them.
In other words your bill is going upwards for no reason what so ever other than to pad out his invoice.
These incidents are happening every week to customers who have to trust that the people doing the work are honest.
Most are not and theirs a very good reason for it, most are sub contracted out to national companies on a part payment basis.
In other words the more they charge you the customer the more they get paid after the call centre takes their cut, your basically paying twice for the job.
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